Public policy is a set of different methods implemented by public authorities and officials at the state, regional or local level to achieve the intended objectives of social and economic development, to improve the well-being of the people, and to respect individual rights.
What is public policy, its characteristics and objectives
It has specific features.
- Implemented strictly in accordance with the constitution and legislation.
- Officials act in the interests of citizens by strictly observing their rights, using legal methods and instruments.
- The subjects of public policy in a democracy are the officials and authorities elected or formed democratically. These include the head of state, the government, parliament, etc. Any public associations, including political parties and individual political leaders, may participate in political life, as long as they do not violate the laws in force.
- The primary bearer of power is the people, who have the right to participate in major political decisions.
- The main objective of public policy in a state governed by the rule of law is to meet the needs of the entire population and of every individual.
- These challenges are addressed in all areas of society: social, economic, financial, cultural, etc.
Public policy operates on a variety of fronts.
Constitutional public policy
It defines the foundations of the formation and existence of the state, its principles and objectives, and is designed to express and protect the views of all segments of civil society. The main priority of constitutional policy is the individual, its needs and interests, free development and a decent life. In a state governed by the rule of law, all this is not only declared in the constitution, but also observed in real life. The main value here is human rights, their observance and protection.
Such a policy must be implemented by a strong legitimate authority that acts in accordance with the constitution and applicable laws. Signs of such a state.
- Rule of law.
- A free society.
- Separation of powers.
- Liability for violations of the law by the state and its officials.
Financial policy
Establishes the basic principles of the financial system, creates financial levers for the development of the economy and the improvement of the standard of living of the population, etc.
The most important mechanism affecting the economic and social development of society. With its help, the state supports economic growth and stimulates producers. Errors in the implementation of state economic policy can lead to an increase in inflation, a disturbance of the balance of payments, a fall in living standards and an increase in social tensions. The Ministry of Finance is in charge of the state’s fiscal policy. The welfare of society as a whole depends on its success.
When planning financial measures, the state must act in accordance with objective economic laws, the historical development of the state, and internal and external factors.
Criminal policy
Combating encroachment and countering crimes against the person.
The basic principles of criminal policy in Europe were laid down in the 20th century. The Constitution states that the highest value in the state is the individual, his or her rights and freedoms. Therefore, the priority of justice is precisely the protection of the individual from criminal attacks, in accordance with international legal instruments. These are the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights, the Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice
for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, etc.
Family policy
The most important area of social policy, aimed at strengthening the institution of the family, protecting the rights and interests of all its members and family values.

Family policy forms the basis for the regulation of family legal relations and is decisive for the conclusion and dissolution of marriage. The family is receiving increasing attention because it has many functions, the most important of which are:
- Reproductive;
- economic;
- educational;
- recreational, etc.
According to the Constitution, the family, motherhood and childhood are protected by the state. It guarantees social protection for children in the event of disability, loss of breadwinner, etc.
Citizens with children can count on state benefits. The Family Code guarantees the voluntary nature of marriage and the equality of rights of spouses. The law defines the procedure for marriage, its dissolution, property relations after divorce and the rights of children.